Two channel video installation, 2009
Projected on a foldable plywood object
Dimensions: 52’’ x 145’’ x 80’’ (metric: 130cmx380cmx200cm)
02:34 min.
The video shows members of my family packing a suitcase in a sort of assembly line structure: my father is naming the object, my mother is taking the object and placing it on a table, my older sister is wrapping it and I place it in the suitcase.
The narrative was filmed 5 times: one high angle shot of the table with the suitcase and the hands of the family members and four frontal medium shots of each family member. The five angles composited together create a layout of a room, as if it’s an open box/cube. The video is projected on an architectural structure of the room layout made of plywood, with a potential to open and close.
THE LIBRARY ROOM - Installation view